Heh, Emacs LISP function! Lemme give you a piece of advice!

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programming hack emacs LISP

Did you know that in some programming languages, you can give a function a piece of advice? The basic idea is this: if you are using an application or a library written by somebody else, what can you do if you need to modify the behavior of a particular function? You could modify its source code, if your version improves it for everybody. However, if you only want to customize it for your personal needs, a more lightweight solution might be desirable. Some dynamic languages allow you to give the function “a piece a advice” (that’s an amusing terminology), which means that they allow you to wrap a piece of code around the function, giving you an opportunity to modify the input and the output. Everything will run as usual, except that your code will be evoked before and after the advised function is called. You can do it even if you don’t have access to its source code.

This is a powerful mechanism for extending the functionality and lifespan of software. It is perhaps not surprising that Emacs, an editor famous for its extendibility, supports advising. In fact, the advising facility of Emacs LISP (the scripting language of Emacs) is quite sophisticated. There are multiple APIs for advising.

I recently ran into a situation where advising came in handy. I use the Emacs package Org Roam to track the relationships among my notes, todo’s, and journal entries. On top of that, I use Deft mode to browse and find the Org Roam documents that I need. What Deft does is that it extracts a title and a summary from the document, and displays them in a pleasant interface. Deft had worked well for me for a long time… until the recent release of Org Roam V2 broke it. What happened is that to make tracking more efficient, Org Roam V2 now inserts a “property block” to the beginning of Org documents, which looks like this:

:ID: BA3FA15B-4C83-4C61-8A2B-0855DA8E26D8

Unfortunately, Deft extracts the title of a document from its first line. So after I upgraded to Org Roam V2, the titles of all my documents were displayed as :PROPERTIES:. This behavior is implemented in a function called deft-parse-title. It’s easy to make it skip the property block, but I didn’t want to fork Deft. So I gave deft-parse-title a piece of advice, which sneaks in to remove the block before deft-parse-title sees it:

(defun hhyu/deft-title-preprocess (orig-func &rest args)
    (let* ((file (car args))
           (contents (cadr args))
           (m (string-match ":PROPERTIES:\n\\(.+\n\\)+:END:\n" contents)))
      (if m
          (let ((new-contents
                 (substring contents
                            (match-end 0)
                            (length contents))))
               (funcall orig-func file new-contents))
          (funcall orig-func file contents))))

(advice-add 'deft-parse-title :around #'hhyu/deft-title-preprocess)

As mentioned, there are multiple ways to advice a function in Emacs LISP. I use the (advice-add ... :around ...) construct because it is most intuitive to me. My advice is defined in hhyu/deft-title-preprocess. Whenever deft-parse-title is called, Emacs LISP first evokes hhyu/deft-title-preprocess, with args assigned to the arguments of deft-parse-title, which are title (a file name) and contents (the content of the document as a string). I use a regular expression to locate the :END: tag, and use the match (match-end) to remove the property block. After the removal (stored in new-contents), the first line contains the title, so we can pass it to the original function (orig-func, which is assigned to deft-parse-title). So, I have managed to patch Deft without modifying its source code. I think it’s pretty cool.