Personal Projects

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Web apps

  • Parallel Timelines: A webapp for comparing multiple lines of historical events in parallel. Written in NodeJS and React.

Data analysis

  • Bayesian regression: An application of Bayesian methods in visual neuroscience. I used Bayesian regression to characterize the scaling relationship between receptive field size and eccentricity. Written in R and the Bayesian package JAGS.

  • The allometry of mammalian brains: I wrote a general-audience article to debunk a myth surrounding the size of brains. This is the R source code for the analysis.

Literate programs

Inspired by the Programs to Read section of Professor Donald Knuth’s website, I am enthusiastic about literate programming - the art and science of developing computer programs as an integral part of writing.

  • Why Functional Programming Matters - An intermediate-level tutorial on Python’s generators, based on John Hughes' classic paper “Why Function Programming Matters”, which was written in the lazy functional language Miranda.

  • Continued fraction arithmetic - A Python implementation of Bill Gosper’s algorithm for performing arithmetic operations on continued fractions. I also wrote an article to explain the logic.